
welcome to our school! 

If you are a student coming to join us soon, we are looking forward to welcoming you! You may be starting in August or midway through the year, but we all know what it's like to be the new person in class and we promise you a warm welcome. 

There are lots of fun clubs and activities for you to do after school from Grade 1 and upwards. They cover a range of interests from sport to music and craft, so there will definitely be something to interest you. 

ISZL works hard to make sure you settle in as soon as possible. The school counsellors will be in touch to make sure things are going well and to give you any extra help you need. In the first few weeks, you will have a Student Ambassador or a Class 'Buddy' to help you to settle in. Your class teacher will provide you with everything that you need to adapt to your new learning environment. 

Nothing is left to change, your happiness is our priority. 

Find out more

Voices from our Students

Ansh, Grade 6
  • Student

When I hear “ISZL” the first things that pop up into to my head are when I joined ISZL how welcoming people were. In the first day I joined I had so many friends and the ... 

  • Community Voices
  • student
Olivia, Grade 6
  • Student

ISZL is a fun and great community! You get to have lots of fun and learn different things every day...

  • Community Voices
  • student
Tiggsy, Grade 6
  • Student

It can be scary starting a new school, but when I moved to ISZL all my fears washed away...

  • Community Voices
  • student