Personal Development Programme
DEVELOPING students as fully rounded individuals
Providing a challenging and balanced curriculum which encourages high achievement by students at all levels, ISZL promotes a climate of respect, where students are encouraged to develop self-confidence, positive relationships, and the motivation to learn. Each school division offers a programme for pastoral care and social development to provide the support structure that students need in order to succeed in all areas of school life.
The Personal Development Programme is a major component of the ISZL Pastoral Curriculum, with which all students are fully involved. The Personal Development Programme (PDP) is made up of three school-wide elements that engage students in their development as fully rounded individuals. These three elements are:
- Personal, Social and Health Education
- Community Education, Service, Action and Leadership
- Personal Development Week
These three elements are highly interrelated and links within the curriculum encourage students to clearly understand these relationships. The three elements are part of the curriculum at every division and include age-relevant learning that provides a progressive and continuous educational programme through all grades.
Personal, Social and Health Education
A component of the Personal Development Programme at each school division is Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE), from which students gain an awareness and understanding of personal, social and health related issues that are important to their well-being. The PSHE curriculum is defined by the ISZL Strands and Learner Outcomes and is applied through grade level activities and lessons that are age appropriate. The programmes of study focusing upon the Learner Outcomes enhance students’ awareness and understanding of the attributes of the IB Learner Profile.
At ISZL we believe that an understanding of communities, the way we relate to these and the effects we can have upon them, are important components in the education of our students. This aspect of the curriculum is continuous and progressive from Early Years 1 to Grade 12, and the extent of interaction with targeted communities is age appropriate. Our ethos of care, respect and spiritual well-being receives strong focus in this area of the curriculum and it creates processes that promote motivation and achievement through local and global interactions.
As an international school located in Central Switzerland, ISZL provides the ideal opportunity to take full advantage of our host country, other European nations and more distant global destinations. The Personal Development Week (PDW) offers students an exceptional learning situation and meaningful opportunities to get to know their host and neighbouring cultures. Providing students with experiences that are not otherwise possible during the normal academic programme, PDW is an integral and crucial part of the curriculum. All students are expected to participate as important learning takes place during these trips and, on return to school, the experience of PDW is further developed in the classroom.