Support ISZL
The extraordinary generosity and commitment of our alumni, parents, corporations and friends help to maintain the excellence of an ISZL education which embodies our mission of “Respect, Motivate, Achieve.”
These resources allow us to strengthen our academic, athletics, and arts programmes. Through gifts large and small - alumni, parents, and friends have provided over CHF 1.4 million in support of the Annual Fund.
We are organised as a non-profit foundation under Swiss law and operate with approval from the Educational Authorities of the Cantons of Zug and Luzern. ISZL is registered as a non-profit organisation (Stiftung) in Switzerland and affiliated with a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organisation in the United States.
ISZL receives no direct funding from any government or external agency. Revenue raised through tuition and other fees enables the School to offer the highest standard of core academic and pastoral programmes.
The Fund for Excellence (FFE) provides important additional resources, above the operational budget, that enable us to enhance student learning and reach new levels of educational excellence.
MAKE A GIFT within Switzerland
Your gift funds the most complete experience for our students by creating a truly remarkable education above and beyond tuition and helps set us apart from other schools.
Use this QR code within your Swiss banking App to easily make a donation.
Use the buttons below to make a donation using a credit card
Thank you for considering a gift to ISZL. If you have any questions or would like more information on giving opportunities, please contact James Darley or call +41 41 768 29 25.